故事46 | A One in a Million opportunity

我在中国的家 2022
故事46 | A One in a Million opportunity

Hi there! My name is Alexia Arielle Vargas, but everyone calls me Lexi. I am Puerto Rican raised in the United States of America and I have lived in China for 3 years. 

大家好!我叫 Alexia Arielle Vargas,大家都叫我 Lexi。我是在美国长大的波多黎各人,在中国生活了 3 年。

When I was in high school and college, people would ask me, “Where would you like to travel if you could go anywhere?” I’d say, “Asia, China would be an amazing place to see and learn more about.” Throughout my life living in New York City, it was always a dream to travel and being able to come to China would be such a wonderful opportunity. 


I come from a family of 5 siblings, three brothers and a little sister. I was a middle child, and we didn’t have much, but we made the best out of every situation we were in. I was kind of an odd ball growing up, but a pretty good scholar. I had opportunities to go Europe because of my performance in school to accept an award, but it did not include the travel cost and neither my school, nor my family could afford it, so I was unable to go. When I was in college the opportunity to study abroad began to feel more real. I really began to feel like this would be my opportunity to travel abroad and begin my journey to see the world. 


During this time, I began having some family and relationship issues and felt like I had to be the glue to keep everything together, so I decided that it wasn’t my time yet and I had to push my dream aside a little while longer. 


Throughout my years in college and university getting my bachelor’s and master’s degree in education I knew one thing for sure, I wanted to teach and work with children. While I was in school, I would work four different jobs (including teaching), volunteer at community centers to help underprivileged students with their homework, host mingle nights at the elderly hospital to play games, do hair, paint little old ladies nails and sometimes even boogie (don’t let the elderly fool you, they know how to party) all while going to school and taking night classes. There were no days off. I was busy every day, 7 days a week, but I loved it. Being involved in my community and meeting new people was always such an adventure for me. During my last year of University, I knew that a new chapter in my life would soon begin, but where? 

攻读教育学学士和硕士学位期间,我明白了自己的理想:我想当老师,和孩子们一起学习。上学时,我打了四份工(包括家教),在社区中心做志愿者,帮助贫困学生补习,晚上去养老院举办活动:玩游戏,理发,给老太太涂指甲油,甚至跳舞(别被老人家骗了,他们懂得在派对上怎么玩),同时我得学习,上晚课,没有休息日。一周 7 天,我每天都很忙,但我喜欢这样的状态。参加社区活动,认识新朋友,对我来说是一项挑战。大学最后一年,生命中的新篇章即将开始,我该何去何从呢?

I started applying to schools abroad, but was very skeptical, I didn’t know anyone who worked or lived abroad. I would hear stories of other people’s adventures of traveling or studying, but no one in my life lived abroad. At this point in my life, I’m thinking going abroad is just a fairytale fantasy, a dream and just a dream. What are the one in a million chances I’d get a job abroad doing what I love- teaching? Could this be possible? 


 I had also applied to many other schools around the States. Going through countless interviews from different schools in the States as well as abroad like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and Xiamen. I began hearing back from more schools overseas than from schools I had applied to in the States. I received offers from schools in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Xiamen. After doing some research and browsing through social media I knew Xiamen was for me. There wasn’t much out there about Xiamen, but when I learned that I’d be living on an island surrounded by palm trees and mountains (the exact opposite of NYC) I knew this is where I wanted to be. I saved up as much money as I could for years and thought this is my opportunity to go out there and really live my dreams. 


When I first moved to Xiamen, I began questioning everything, worrying if I made the right decision. I just left everything and everyone I know behind. Even though I was so excited to be immersed in a new environment and culture, I was worried I couldn’t do it. Getting to know the city, I realized I live in such a beautiful city and within no time I knew I wanted to be as involved as possible. I began getting involved in community events and meetings. I even had the opportunity to host events like a Christmas painting event for families and friends and even a beach clean-up. When COVID-19 began I wanted to try and help lift the spirits in our communities, not just in Xiamen, but all-around China and drew a picture and took a selfie to help send positive messages around and asked the community center if we could gather pictures of our community members and put together something to help give back and to stay positive and strong when lockdowns began. So many people got involved and it started to spread throughout China. Till this day I like to be as involved as possible meeting so many different people from all around the world. This has truly been an amazing opportunity. I have made such great friends that I consider family.  Xiamen has become a place for me that feels like home. 


I was born and raised in the big apple of New York City, also known as “the city that never sleeps”. A place where everyone gravitates towards the food, Broadway shows, and the beginning of eras like hip hop music and graffiti art.




Home Away From Home 2022

  1. Voyage au centre de moi-même. Alain Thirion (French)
  2. Le fabuleux destin « sucré » de Melody. Par Melody Pace (French)
  3. My Blessed Guangzhou Life. Namrata Motiani
  4. Life’s a Beach. Anvita Ramakrishna
  5. Choosing China. Gerhard Uys (Ace)
  6. Faith in Xiamen. Faith Bautista
  8. My unique person Casey Ellzey
  9. Sam: At Home in the Classroom
  10. Ann: Guangzhou – my home in South East China
  11. Maria: Xiamen fever
  12. Daniel: The “link” between Xiamen and Medieval Europe
  13. Joanne Ko: F**k, I’m American
  14. Mea: Finding a Home in China
  15. Paige: Neighborly
  16. My story of 缘分 with China(Spainish)
  17. Memories from Pakistan by Sheraz Anwar
  18. Do You Believe In Second Chances? By Julian Quander
  19. A pastry chef in China by Pol Anter
  20. What does the other side of the world look like? By Daniel Esteban
  21. My love story with China. By Ana Lafuente
  22. Can I be like you in three months? By Moxi
  23. Dating with China. By Viktoria Radnaeva
  24. Living harmoniously with nature in Beijing. By Miranda
  25. Becoming home. By Amy Vernon
  26. Finding my happily ever after in China. By Khola
  27. Boundless life, boundless world. By Dr. Manu
  28. Home is where the heart is. By Meeta Bhagtani
  29. Rumah kedua Ku. By Dhina Ramadiani
  30. A child of the Garden City. By Marc Alexander
  31. Unforgettable Moments in China by Abid Hussain
  32. A Time in Hangzhou. By Abdoulaye M’Begniga
  33. Shenzhen never bores you. By Edcia Alcocer
  34. Nailed it! By Helen Bondarenko
  35. Suburban Adventures. By Felix Kraemer
  36. A Jar of Memories. By Natasa Vujicic
  37. Finding the past and my future in Xiamen. By Adam Loomis
  38. An overseas Chinese trying to find his roots. by Yeang
  39. Drive your dreams. By Alvaro Montoya
  40. A new home. By Ian Hylton
  41. CHINA: A Place Where My Heart Dwells. By Fahad Javaid
  42. Mischief and Mishaps in the Middle Kingdom. By Paula Zhou
  43. I love Wuhu, I love China! By Zarina Ismailova
  44. How the ice city melts my heart. By Yolande Deane
  45. Collecting countries to find my true self. By Anna Kova
  46. A One in a Million opportunity- Building a Community. By Alexia Vargas
  47. Have to be Strong. By Randy Alexander