作者:Ali Adat
My name is Ali. I was born in 1993 and was raised in Yemen in a small city called Aden. I am fluent in 5 languages, namely Arabic, English, Chinese, Swahili and Hindi-Urdu and now I am working as an interpreter and translator. Since the war started in my country I could not stay because it was too dangerous and it is hard to survive with continuous economic decline and get a stable job and stay safe.
我叫 Ali,出生于 1993 年,在也门一个叫亚丁的小城市长大。我会讲阿拉伯语、英语、汉语、斯瓦希里语和印地-乌尔都语等 5 种语言,目前从事口笔译工作。自从我的国家开始遭遇战乱后,我选择背井离乡,因为那里太危险了,而且经济持续下滑,很难维持生计,人身安全也难以保障。
My family decided to move to Tanzania, where my journey to China started. I started learning Chinese when I was 22, because there where a lot of Chinese people doing business and they have a strong relationship with the local community. I remember when I started, for me the Chinese characters looked like pictographs or pictures and in order to solve these mysterious puzzles, we need a key and this key is pinyin so we have to learn “pinyin” in order to understand the real meaning behind the characters.
我一家子决定搬到坦桑尼亚,中国之旅就此启航。我 22 岁时开始学习中文,因为那里生活着许多做生意的中国人,他们与当地社区联系紧密。刚学中文的时候,汉字这一象形文字对我而言就像一张张图片,每个汉字都蕴含着许多谜题。要解开这些谜题,我们就需要一把钥匙,那就是拼音,因此我们必须学会拼音,才能理解汉字背后的真正含义。
It took me almost 4 years to pass HSK 4 as I was learning by myself and working at the same time. Thanks to the Chinese embassy in Tanzania approved my student visa to start my major in Minnan Normal University, and this is how my China story began. Last year I graduated successfully and got my bachelor’s degree in Educational Psychology.
我一边自学一边工作,花了将近 4 年时间才通过汉语四级考试。好在中国驻坦桑尼亚大使馆通过了学生签证,我便开始在闽南师范大学学习,我的中国故事从此拉开序幕。去年,我顺利毕业,获得了教育心理学学士学位。
In these 4 years I made unforgettable memories in the university and learned a lot about the Chinese culture, customs and traditions. The teachers were friendly and helped me during my studies. It was very hard for me to understand everything but I worked as hard as I could and passed all the subjects required in order to get my bachelor’s degree. 5 years passed already, every time I hear the firework and fire crackers because of the celebrations in CNY, I tell myself these sounds are not gunshots or bombs. These sounds do not represent terror, fear or bloodshed. These are sounds of happiness joy and mercy.
四年的大学时光给我留下了许多难忘的回忆。我学到了很多关于中国文化、习俗和传统的知识。老师们都非常友好,耐心指导我学习。尽管很多知识难以理解,但我刻苦学习,通过了所有课程,获得了学士学位。5 年时光转瞬即逝,每年春节,我听到家家户户的烟花爆竹声时,我告诉自己这不是枪林弹雨的声音。这些声音并不代表恐怖、恐惧或流血,而是代表幸福、快乐和仁慈。
I learned a beautiful Chinese poem by Li Bai, which says: “此心安处是吾乡,只生欢喜不生愁”. This poem says wherever there is tranquility and feeling of safety, that place is called home. The feelings of joy and happiness are everywhere where there are no feelings of anxiety or sadness. I can totally relate to this poem because since I came to China, I felt that I was born again. China has given me this feeling of safety, security and stability.
Sometimes I tell myself that because I speak 5 languages, every language represents a unique personality, character and a soul. So, one body can have multiple souls with all these mixed languages, it makes me feel like I don’t have a specific hometown or country. As a result of that I can not even answer a simple question which is ‘’ where are you from?’’. And now I have become a part of this international community. Not only China is my hometown, but also the whole globe has become my home.
有时我告诉自己,我会讲 5 种语言,每一种语言都代表着一种独特的人格、性格和灵魂。因此,一个身体住着多个灵魂,讲着多种语言,这让我感觉我没有家乡或国家可以寄托。我甚至无法回答如此简单的问题:“你来自哪里?”而现在,我已经成为这个国际社会的一员。中国,甚至整个地球村,都是我的家。
Every step I take is a new lesson to me. Every time I meet a new friend, he or she comforts my emotional injuries and makes me feel more human. Now, I hope I could just support those who are in need in the community and pursue my happy Chinese dream and achieve more in the future..