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  • Author: DanielChen
征文54 ▏Roshan: Life isn’t what you expect…
Life itself drives us where we deserve to be. All you need is to have a plan, commit to your goals, prepare, be consistent and have faith. My story is one example… I went to Germany to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor but it didn’t work out because of my family financial conditions back then. I had to serve myself and I couldn’t give my 100% towards my goal so I planned to continue my studies elsewhere.生命本身会指引我们到达应该到达的地方。你需要有所计划,朝着你的目标前进,做好万全准备,坚持不懈,充满信心。我的经历就是一个很好的例子...我漂洋过海来到德国,希望实现我的医生梦,但由于当时我的家庭经济条件,这个梦想落空了。我必须要为自己的决定负责,我当时没有为我的目标付出100%的努力。我决定到另一个地方继续学习。
征文53 ▏Tamar: My dad encouraged me to learn Chinese
I first came to China in 2015, but the journey to China started a long time ago. More than 15 years ago, when I was a little girl, I had a conversation with my dad about my future goals. He suggested that I should study the Chinese language, he said the 21st century is the “Century of China”, and the Chinese language is the “Language of the Future”. I didn’t understand him at that time, because China seemed to be very far away, and I hardly knew anything about this country. In those times, we didn’t have internet, and the only link to the world – the TV – never talked about China.我第一次来中国是在 2015 年,但我的中国故事很早就开始了。15 年前,当时还是小女孩的我和父亲一起讨论我的未来。他建议我学习中文,他说21世纪是“中国的世纪”,而中文是“未来的语言”。当时我还不理解这句话的含义,因为中国似乎很遥远,我对这个国家几乎一无所知。那个年代没有互联网,唯一能了解世界的渠道——电视也从未介绍过中国。
征文52 ▏Ana: Life in Beijing is a fun whirlwind
Once upon a time, there was an 18-year-old girl deciding on her undergrad major. She decided she wanted to graduate in Translation and Interpreting Studies, but what languages would she choose? That girl barely out of teenagehood was me, and I decided to come to Asia and so my second major language during university was Chinese. From acquaintances to university clerks, everyone warned me —Chinese is so very difficult, are you sure?曾经有一个 18 岁的女孩正在选择本科读什么专业。她终于决定要读口笔译专业,她会选择什么语言呢?那个刚刚走出青春期的女孩就是我,我决定来到亚洲,所以我在大学期间选择中文作为我的第二外语。从朋友到大学职工,每个人都警告过我——中文非常难,你确定要学吗?
征文51 ▏Camila: I study journalism in China!
Two and a half years before, I wasn’t expecting to come to China and live all the experiences that I am living now. Exactly two years ago, I was in a 30-hour flight coming to China, not even knowing what challenges I was going to face. It all started when graduating from high school. I was looking for a good university to study when I found about the Chinese government scholarships. I applied and as soon as I got accepted, I had to travel to China to study a one-year Chinese language course in Xiamen’s Huaqiao University. 两年半之前,我并没有想到会来中国,过上现在的生活。两年前,我坐了 30 个小时的飞机来到中国,我甚至不知道将会面临什么样的挑战。我的中国故事从高中毕业时开始,当时我得知中国政府提供留学奖学金,所以我想找一所好的中国大学学习。于是我申请华侨大学的留学生,一被录取,我就前往中国,学习一年的中文课程。
征文50 ▏Szabolcs Szajp: The adventure is still on…
My China story starts in 2007 in Hungary, where I was teaching international political economy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and researching public economic policy issues in a think-tank. I was in a relationship for 4 years, I owned a small flat and a car, and lived in a nice environment with my beloved in the green Buda side of the capital city. So I had an ongoing academic career, close to finishing my PhD at the International Relations program, and had what we can call a normal life.我的中国故事还要从 2007 年的匈牙利讲起,当时我在布达佩斯的科维努斯大学教授国际政治经济学,还在一个智库研究公共经济政策问题。当时我正在谈一段维持四年的感情,拥有一套小公寓和一辆小车,和我的女友住在树木繁茂的布达城区。我正在进行学术研究,即将取得国际关系博士学位,过着正常的生活。
征文49 ▏Carla: Guangzhou is perfect for my curious soul
My story in China started when I got a job offer for a company in Guangzhou. I never thought of China as a place where I would like to live, I only considered it as a place to travel sometime in my life. Surprisingly, China has turned out to be the country that has brought me the most exciting adventures and experiences in my life so far.我收到广州一家公司offer的时候,我的中国之旅也随之开始。我从未想过,今后我会住在中国,我只把它看作是生命中的旅居之地。但令我惊喜的是,中国带给我的是最激动人心的冒险经历。
征文48 ▏Hanna: Always busy and so happy!
My first time in China was 18 years ago. I visited Xiamen as a tourist with my mum, my aunt and her daughters. Not many tourists came here at the time, and everything was rather cheap. We had booked 3 rooms in Mandarin Hotel but they gave us an upgrade to stay at whole Vila. Yes, we got a 5 stars vila all to ourselves! That was so beautiful, like a wonderland. An unforgettable first impression.我第一次来中国是在 18 年前。我和妈妈、姨妈和她的女儿来厦门旅游。当时来这里的游客不多,而且东西都相当便宜。我们在悦华酒店订了 3 个房间,但他们给我们升级到别墅房。没错,我们住进了一套五星级别墅!那里美得就像一个仙境。厦门给我留下了难忘的第一印象。
征文47 ▏Raj: Speaking Minnan made my life in Xiamen easier
The first time I step foot on Chinese soil was in 1997 when I went to Beijing for a work trip regarding the design of a hotel there. Coming here for the first time helped to dispel a lot of the misconceptions in my head and the rumors that I heard about living here. I heard that China was so crowded absolutely everywhere, that people misbehaved, that there were no proper toilets!  Well, of course, it was all wrong.我第一次踏上中国的土地是在 1997 年,我当时去北京出差,为一家酒店进行设计。第一次来到这里,打消了我脑海中存在的许多误解,那些关于在中国生活的传言也不攻自破了。我听说中国哪里都很拥挤,人们行为粗鲁,也没有体面的厕所!当然,这是完全错误的。
征文46 ▏Jenny: In China, I get VIP treatment
After my college graduation, I met up with my high school friend, Renelyn, who was at that time working as a foreign teacher in Xiamen city. After hearing her wonderful experience here in Xiamen, I asked her the procedure on how to apply to work as ESL teacher. At that time, the qualifications required for ESL teachers weren’t that stringent, basically, the requirements were to hold a Bachelor’s degree and a TESL  certificate. I was lucky enough to pass all interviews and landed my first job as a foreign teacher in Xiamen Educational College which eventually merged with 2 other colleges and renamed into Xiamen City Vocational College.大学毕业后,我偶遇了高中同学 Renelyn,她当时在厦门做外教。她给我讲了在厦门的精彩故事,然后我问她如何申请成为 ESL(以英语为第二语言) 教师。当时,对 ESL 教师的资格要求并不严格,基本要求是持有学士学位和 TESL(英语作为第二外语教学) 证书。我很幸运地通过了所有的面试,在厦门教育学院找到了我的第一份工作——外教,该学院最终与其他两所学院合并,更名为厦门城市职业学院。
征文45 ▏Biba: there’s nothing romantic about our story
My husband and I lived in Xiamen for almost ten years, but apart from colleagues or friends in groups involved in saving animals, we didn’t meet that many other foreigners. The reason is simple, we didn’t have time. 我和丈夫在厦门生活了近十年,但除了一起拯救动物的同事和朋友外,我们并没有认识很多外国人 。原因很简单,我们没时间。