征文41 ▏Atul: My yoga studio dream, a reality in China

家外之家 2021
征文41 ▏Atul: My yoga studio dream, a reality in China


Name : Atul Verma
姓名:安谷Country of Origin : India


Occupation :  Yoga Instructor


Years in China : 13 years



How did your journey in China begin?


My journey started in 2008 in Xiamen. It all started with when my previous employer came to India that year and saw what I was capable of. I had been offered an opportunity to come to China in 2005 but I turned it down so I figured that this second opportunity was a sign that I could not say no to. When I first came here, I was surprised that there were a lot of yoga places in Fujian and as I first worked in Xiamen, my company decided to send me to Quanzhou to live from 2008-2010. Those were the best 2 years of my life and it definitely left a lasting impression on me about China. After those 2 years, I pondered opening my own company and in 2011 I officially became a yoga entrepreneur.

2008 年,我的中国之旅从厦门起航。那年,我之前的老板来到印度,发现了我的能力。2005年,我本有机会来到中国,但我拒绝了,所以我想这次一定要抓住机会。我第一次来到厦门的时候,我很惊讶,福建竟然有这么多瑜伽馆。我第一次在厦门工作的时候,公司决定让我 2008 年去泉州居住,在那儿居住两年。那是我生命中最美好的两年,也令我对中国形成了深刻的印象。两年后,我考虑开一家自己的公司,2011 年我的瑜伽公司正式成立。

Atul with fellow teachers in his team after an open class

What do you like most about Xiamen? 


Due to my work I travel a lot, but Xiamen is the place which impresses me the most. The city is not that big but it is so clean and pristine which is a complete contrast to my hometown in New Delhi. Xiamen fits me spiritually because I can find some peace and solitude here amongst the hustle and bustle. I’ve traveled to a lot of cities in China, but for some reason the energy doesn’t suit me and my lifestyle, however the energy in Xiamen is completely different.


Atul supervises a yoga session in the park in Xiamen

What do you like about China?


Culture is important to Indians and I feel like this is also shared by Chinese people. I was a history student and the ancient Chinese culture fascinated me a lot. Reading about it was one thing but experiencing it was completely different. When I came here, I realized that history is a very important part of Chinese’s people’s daily lives, they are well aware of their country’s history. Regarding Chinese culture, its food, festivals and all-around culture fascinated me the most and it is the reason why I love it. I feel as if China is my second home, that’s why 13 years later I am still here.

印度人很重视文化,我觉得中国人也一样。我是一名历史系学生,中国古代文化让我非常着迷。理解它是一回事,亲身体验它又是另外一回事。我来到中国后才发现,历史文化是中国人日常生活中非常重要的一部分,他们非常了解自己国家的历史。中国最吸引我的就是丰富的文化,包括美食文化和节日文化。我觉得中国好像是我的第二故乡,这也是我 13 年后仍在这里的原因。

What is your unique China story?


Back in India, I was a yoga student for many years, and eventually I finished my studies and my teacher told me I was ready to train others. It was my dream to have my own yoga company and yoga studios but I never thought I’d open it in China as I always had the desire or urge to open it in India, Canada or the USA. However, my dream was fulfilled in China! Upon coming here, I realized that Chinese people are very spiritual, either Buddhist or Taoist, most of my Chinese students and friends are familiarized with the practice of meditation to some extent, and physical exercise is also a very important part of their daily lives. These are some of the reasons why yoga is popular in China and why my studio has become successful here.



Since I opened my own company here in 2011, I’ve met so many people, literally thousands of friends from different walks of life, cultures and occupations, united by one passion: the practice of yoga. I enjoy talking and experiencing life with them and that for me is one of the most unique things. The wealth of knowledge I’ve gained is tremendous. All the people I’ve met are unique and have so much to teach, yes, even though they are my students I still learn a lot from them!

从2011 年建立公司至今,我遇到了很多人,可以说是成千上万的朋友,他们来自社会各界,文化修养不同,职业不同,但都因为一项热爱而走在一起,那就是瑜伽。我喜欢和他们一起交流和体验生活,这对我来说是最独特的经历之一。从中我学到了丰富的知识。我遇到的所有人都很特别,教会了我很多东西。没错,虽然他们是我的学生,我却从他们身上学到了很多!

“Even though they are my students, I learn a lot from them”

作者:安谷 翻译:潘泽彬

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