Hailing from a small town in Oklahoma USA, English Teacher Devione Harris shares his story on how he left America, lived in South Korea and now resides in China.
英语教师 Devione Harris 来自美国俄克拉荷马州的小镇,他分享了自己如何离开故土、住在韩国、如今定居中国的故事。
Occupation : English Teacher
Years in China : 4.5 years
在华居住时间:4 年 6 个月
How did your journey in China begin?
My interest in China started when I was very young. Seeing kung fu movies and Chun Li from Street Fighter really sparked my interest. After graduating university, I had an opportunity to teach and learn in South Korea. I saw it as a brilliant idea because I needed something new and it would be my gateway to China. After 5 years, off and on in South Korea, I was finally ready to move to China although part of it was because of a long-distance relationship with someone who was living in Shenzhen at the time. When I did arrive in China, nothing went as expected as the relationship ended within 2 months. Although it did get the best of me, I decided not to let this situation ruin what I had worked so hard to accomplish.
我很小的时候就对中国产生了兴趣。我喜欢看功夫电影,特别是《街头霸王》里的春丽深深吸引着我。大学毕业后,我获得了去韩国教书和学习的机会。这是一个很棒的机会,因为我需要接触一些新知识,而且这也有助于我将来去往中国。在韩国断断续续住了 5 年之后,我终于做好搬去中国的准备,其中,我和深圳前女友的异地恋是原因之一。但出乎我意料的是,我到达中国后,这段关系在两个月内就结束了。失恋的阴霾笼罩着我,但我仍然决定走出来,不让这件事影响到我的工作。
What do you like most about your city and China as a whole?
The first city where I lived was Hangzhou. My goodness what a diverse city it is. My favorite thing was the contrast especially of the mountains with the tea fields and the rest of the city. I literally felt like I was in the countryside while in the tea fields.
Currently I reside in Shaoxing which is a huge step down from Hangzhou. What I like about Shaoxing, particularly the Keqiao district, are the locals I’ve met and become friends with. Everyone has quite a unique story. Also driving in the countryside makes me feel so happy and at peace.
My overall experience in China has been fascinating. From the Shanghai skyline, the food in Xian, and the diverse scenery, to name a few, China isn’t what I expected at all. I will say that what I’ve seen and experienced has been worth my while. I do look forward to exploring even more when the chance arises.
Some background on his hometown:
Similar to the countryside in Keqiao, my hometown in Oklahoma is also very quaint. I feel we have more livestock than people. A fun fact, since the mid-1990s, the population has been 7,000 somehow. With that being said, I feel that’s why I feel at home in the Keqiao countryside.
和柯桥的农村一样,我的家乡俄克拉荷马州也很古朴,我感觉家畜比人还多。有趣的是,自 20 世纪 90 年代中期以来,居然达到了 7000人口。不管怎样,柯桥的乡村让我找到了家乡的感觉。
作者:Devione 翻译:邓忠悦
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