May 19, 2008

作者:韦忠和 习惯于看境外媒体的我,从港台电视新闻频道24小时的滚动播报,到连续一周西方主要媒体的头版新闻,灾区的消息总是占据着最主要的内容,而这一次,几乎众 口一词的对中国政府的表现给予了肯定,对新闻媒体的开放和救灾的巨大投入,从总理的亲临灾区一线指挥,到普通民众对于受灾群众的帮助,处处让中国的形象大为改变。 灾情不但震撼着中国人和在海外的华人,也震撼的世界各国有同情心的人民。这几天邮箱中不断收到客户发来的慰问邮件,如下面这份从西班牙来的慰问邮件,真挚的情感让人感动。 Dear Frank: We are completely shocked viewing the images about the devastating earthquake in China. I hope that all of you are OK in MTS and I also hope that you and your family are OK. History has always demonstrated that China can be attacked by tremendous events but Chinese people always manage to overcome all difficulties. I am sure that this time you will also demonstrate your capacity to defeat [...]