August 3, 2021

征文10 ▏Christopher: My few unique moments in China
On January 1st 2013, I was sitting with a friend eating brunch in Manchester, nursing a particularly bad hangover, and reflecting on the previous year. I made a promise that in 2013, I would move to a different country for work.  On February 2nd, I landed in Madrid, Spain, which is a different story. On July 17th 2013, I landed in Fuzhou, Fujian ready to start “a year, maybe two in China” working as an English teacher at a training school. I moved across the strait to Taipei for a few years before returning back to Fuzhou, and eventually moving to Xiamen, a city I first visited in October 2013. 8 years later, I still have no plans to go back to the UK.2013 年 1 月 1 日,在曼彻斯特一夜宿醉过后,我和一个朋友正坐着吃早午餐,并反思过去的一年。我曾下定决心要在 2013 年搬到另一个国家工作。于是 2 月 2 日,我降落在西班牙马德里,这又是另外的故事了。2013 年 7 月 17 日,我降落在福建福州,准备在一所培训学校当一年或者两年的英语老师。之后我又搬到海峡对岸的台北住了几年然后回到福州,最终于2013 年 10 月首次来到厦门。8 年过去了,我依旧没有回英国的打算。
征文9 ▏Renatto: What I love about living here is the safety
Ecuador is known for its location right in the middle of the world, there are other countries laying on the Equatorial line, but Ecuador is the highest among the others that is why it gets this distinct characteristic. In Quito you will be in one of the highest capitals in the world and you can step in the north and south hemisphere at the same time. Another interesting place about Ecuador is the Galapagos Islands, the same place that inspired Darwin to create the theory of the evolution.厄瓜多尔以其位于世界中部而闻名,还有其他国家位于赤道线上,但厄瓜多尔是所有赤道国家中最高的,这就使得它独具一格。在基多,你将置身于世界上最高的首都之一,你可以同时涉足北半球和南半球。厄瓜多尔另一个有趣的地方是加拉帕戈斯群岛,正是这个地方启发了达尔文创造了进化论。
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