征文51 ▏Camila: I study journalism in China!

Two and a half years before, I wasn’t expecting to come to China and live all the experiences that I am living now. Exactly two years ago, I was in a 30-hour flight coming to China, not even knowing what challenges I was going to face. It all started when graduating from high school. I was looking for a good university to study when I found about the Chinese government scholarships. I applied and as soon as I got accepted, I had to travel to China to study a one-year Chinese language course in Xiamen’s Huaqiao University. 两年半之前,我并没有想到会来中国,过上现在的生活。两年前,我坐了 30 个小时的飞机来到中国,我甚至不知道将会面临什么样的挑战。我的中国故事从高中毕业时开始,当时我得知中国政府提供留学奖学金,所以我想找一所好的中国大学学习。于是我申请华侨大学的留学生,一被录取,我就前往中国,学习一年的中文课程。